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Kan ikke installere SP6A til NW5
Fra : Jens

Dato : 22-05-03 23:31

Jeg har problemer med at installere SP6A til NW5.
I flg. readme filen skal den installeres fra NWCONFIG, men den melder bare
at den ikke kan finde filen NETMAIN.ILS (mener jeg den hedder).

Klippet fra readme filen:

1) At a workstation DOS prompt, explode the file by
entering NW50SP6A.

Explode the file on the server's volume SYS:
or on another server volume. This compressed
file contains directory paths that could
exceed the DOS limits. The file must be
extracted in a root-level directory on your
local drive or on a NetWare volume that
accepts longer paths.

2) At the server console prompt, enter NWCONFIG.

3) Select Product Options > Install a Product Not

4) Depending on where the NetWare Support Pack files
are located, complete one of the following steps:

- From the local volume SYS:, press F3, then specify
the path, including the volume name (for example,

- From a different server on the network, press F3,
then specify the full path including the server name
(for example, <server_name>\VOL1:<directory_name>). You
will be prompted for a login name and password for the
other server.
The F4 option in RCONSOLE does not apply to
this Support Pack.

5) Press Enter.

6) Press F10 to accept the marked options and

Jeg har udpakket filen til biblioteket NW50SP6A på SYS.
Jeg angiver derfor SYS:NW50SP6A som sti (har også prøvet SYS:\NW50SP6A)
Og SYS er mountet.......

Nogen der har en god idé til hvad der kan være galt ?


Gustaf Serve (23-05-2003)
Fra : Gustaf Serve

Dato : 23-05-03 15:59

Jens skrev:

[Readme filen]
> Explode the file on the server's volume SYS:
> or on another server volume. This compressed
> file contains directory paths that could
> exceed the DOS limits. The file must be
> extracted in a root-level directory on your
> local drive or on a NetWare volume that
> accepts longer paths.
>Jeg har udpakket filen til biblioteket NW50SP6A på SYS.

Har du udpakket SP fra roden af dit SYS volume (det kan jeg ikke helt
gennemskue af det, du skriver).

Ellers læs tråden startende med message-ID:
1qd_8.9$Tc3.293@prv-forum2.provo.novell.com som du f.eks. kan finde
via Google Groups avanceret søgning.

Gustaf Serve

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