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a brand new query tool is out on beta, we ~
Fra : Mia

Dato : 01-12-09 07:52

We at Nob Hill Software are working on a new query tool:


You can read all about it on the above web page, but basically, its a
very ambitious project to create what we call 'the query tool to end
all query tools': everything you ever wanted, desired, dreamed about
in a query tool, and then some.

For that, we need people who will download it, use it, tell us what
they think, what's good and what's not, and what they would like to
see in the future. This program has been going on since winter 2009,
and so far we've made plenty of DB users happy - but we could always
use more feedback. No catches, no tricks, we will never ask for money
or anything - just to know what you want, so we can put it in. When
the tool is finally out on production, all those who contributed will
have it for free - for life.

If you're interested, just download and start working. Then email us
your feedback, which can be anything from a single sentence to entire

Contact us through the site if you have any questions!

Thank You
Nob Hill Software

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